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8 to the Bar - VOTE
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What is your favorite show tonight?
*In or Out* Playwright - Mark Saunders Director - Gina Palmer Summary - Dead man has to decide about reincarnation.
*The Replacement* Playwright - Morey Norkin Director - Margie Gustafson Summary - Replaced by Jews.
*Best Served Cold* Playwright - Mark Saunders Director - G.F. Gallagher Summary - Woman returns her husband’s ashes to a store.
*Immersion Therapy* Playwright - David MacGregor Director - Melanie Bagal Summary - A woman is given a clown for her birthday
*Tag* Playwright - Mark Harvey Levine Director - Becca Easley Summary - A really llllllllllong game of tag.
*The Resurrectionists* Playwright - Robert J. LeBlanc Director - Derek Dillon Summary - Scottish & Irish grave robbers debate.
*I Used to be the Pretty One* Playwright - Lindsey Brown Director - Kate Vargulich Summary - Venus in an art gallery.
*The Curse* Playwright - Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend Director - David Stasevsky Summary - Merman on the beach.
*Just Desserts* Playwright - David MacGregor Director - Jim Doherty Summary - Company food thief is caught.
What is your second favorite show tonight?
In or Out
The Replacement
Best Served Cold
Immersion Therapy
The Resurrectionists
I Used to Be The Pretty One
The Curse
Just Desserts
What is your third favorite show tonight?
In or Out
The Replacement
Best Served Cold
Immersion Therapy
The Resurrectionists
I Used to Be The Pretty One
The Curse
Just Desserts
How did you hear about this show?
Internet Search
If Other, please specify. If Friend, please tell us who
What is your age?
Less than 13
Over 50
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