Ninja Pirate Princess and Ghost Pirate Prince
Congratulations to the cast of "Ninja Pirate Princess" and "Ghost Pirate Prince"!
Appearing in the production will be Elliot Brtva, Myra Giurovici, Erin Payton, Mary-Carol Riehs, and Erick Sosa. This pirate adventure double bill is written by Cathleen Ann and directed by Katie Soria, assisted by Marilyn Connolly. Show dates are November 4-13. The Friday shows are at 7pm, the Saturday shows are at 4pm and 7pm, and the Sunday shows are at 1pm. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 kids/students; age 2 and under are free, but may need to sit on a lap if we reach seating capacity. Download the Program here: