Season 3, 2006-2007
The Odd Couple
by Neil Simon Directed by David Soria October 6-23, 2006 Cast: Aimee Kennedy Cohler, Mike Iozzo, Chuck Jacobson, Stan Kosek, Mike Mailloux, Kevin Slattery, Karyn Ustas, and John Zimmerman
Murder: Stage Right (or Who Killed Hamlet?)
by Philip Lester Directed by Carolyn Thomas-Davidoff February 16-25, 2007 Cast: Harry Davis, Majorie Gustafson, Phil Hendricks, Tom Hughes, Stephen Jansen, Jim Karwoski, Aimee Kennedy, Stan Kosek, Grace Martinez, Shazad Mehta, Sharon Novickas, Cynthia Rosati, Kris Sandrock, and Jen Scriven
The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde Directed by David Soria May 4-20, 2007 Cast: Lucy Arenberg, Lisa Baggot-Miller, Matt Hesotian, George McArdle, Daniel Miller, Dave Perez, Klaus Ruppenstein, Cory Sandrock, Kris Sandrock, and Carolyn Thomas-Davidoff